Wednesday, December 10, 2008


So...I'm now co-moderator of several groups, including The Bloomsbury Knitters--a forum dedicated to the lovely Virginia Woolf--a group I happened to have founded. I think this all qualifies me as an official Ravelry-Addict/Knit-Geek. I mean. To the highest degree of degrees, really. 

I've made little progress on the "Cardigan of Youth" as it is now called (I admit, it does sound better than "Old Man Cardigan"--Thanks M). But maybe I'll have it done by the time I head north to see the fam.

     I think many of us dread the holidaze. I mean. Really now-- it's just wrong when the stores start playing the carols right after Halloween. Seriously.
Well. This is embarrassing. I have some photos of a small portion of my stash. Taken the day before the big sale... I did de-stash this yarn pictured by selling some yarn for ungodly cheap prices. But really now? Who needs this much yarn? And this isn't all of it!!!!

   This is all the cheapy yarn that I sold I'm talking: $1/skein. And by the end of the day? I sold a whole bag for 10 cents/skein! 

Monday, December 8, 2008

Dickensian Freaks

So I'm now one of the moderators of the Charles Dickens group on Ravelery--which is super awesome cool and I'm excited. It's probably not a big deal to anyone...but I'm excited because I get to organize lit stuff, etc. and meet cool and interesting and nifty people...

meanwhile the newly re-named "Cardigan of Youth" is coming along... I don't know if it's coming along fast enough for our trip back north (where I hoped to present it to my grandfather)...

oh well!

And I have no pictures. Isn't that just boring?

   Oh wait. I have a really bad picture of the mug cozy I'm knitting for my grandmother.


I didn't mean to make it that big.

you know, I could delete it. And then re-upload it in smaller format.

but that would take effort.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tag! You're It!

How wonderful--I have been tagged by the wonderful Ms. Laura of the Refined Young Lady Blog

--Here go the rules: 
    *link to the person who tagged you.

--List 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself.

--Tag 7 random people.

--Let your 7 random people know it's a "Tag" by leaving a comment on his or her blog. I'm really not random or weird to a point of 7 facts...but I'll attempt!

  1. I do not use lotion. Perfume. Or anything of the sort. Since I quit smoking, I just enjoy the smell of skin. I must admit, though, my skin is a bit dry and itchy. I have lotion. I just don't use it on a regular basis. 
  2. Hmm..borrowing from Laura...if I were a character on Gilligan's Island I would have to be Mary Ann. A little country...a little naive (I'd like to think) and ... I'd totally date The Professor--I like Geeks.
  3. I graduate with my BA in English in...oh...nine days. (But who's counting) However, I am admittedly a lit-fic snob who does not like to read. I like to read, but I'm super picky and prefer things written by people who have breath in their lungs or have had breath in their lungs within the past thirty years.
  4.  I'm a country kid, really--I grew up on a farm and I miss it more and more all the time. My dream? To live in the mountains with a bunch of Alpacas--learn to spin yarn, dye said yarn and sell it!
  5. I'm a bit of a yarnaholic. Seriously. I mean. Maybe that's not weird or random. I thought it was normal. Until Mr. K pointed out that my weird love of fondling yarn is probably considered a quirk among most people.
  6. I used to be seriously into fashion and hair and make up and all that girly stuff. But somewhere along the way...I became totally inept about all of it. *sigh* And now I find that a simple shower is a luxury--but honestly? I wouldn't trade it for the world. 
  7. (hang on, reader, I'm thinking of random things of interest)... Well. *sigh* it's not of interest, but ... I'm a self-declared Grinch. I don't like trees, Christmas music, and so on and so forth. What I love is the wintery weather--it's the best! I didn't understand my love of winter for the sake of winter until I came to The Land of No Winter...
I'll post my chosen 7 later. I don't mean to break the chain. I'm simply not that intriguing so as to have 7 random friends at my disposal...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

There are still no words...

Honestly. Life is expanding quickly--it's kind of scary.

But then I look at this little box, where I'm supposed to tell you, dear reader, about the excitement (and so on)...but

all I can really do is think,
     I can't condense life into a little box.

And I can't. 

         So I won't.

This isn't a relevant picture. It's just one I took a while back. And I like it.

Monday, December 1, 2008

What shall I...


Because there is little worth saying.

In the way of knitting: 

    I'll never get it all done before the holidays hit! ARGH!

This is probably the one I've come along most on: it's a hat made from yarn that L graciously gave me--and it's hand-dyed--by ME! In a prior post, I did mention this stuff, I think. It's knitting nicely...I enjoy it, anyway.

Oh older news: I got a cool new gift in a Holiday Swap on Ravelry. I think I'm going to make legwarmers with the two skeins of Alpaca that I got. How exciting is that??