Sunday, October 5, 2008

I Dyed Today

Dyeing, I now know, is a messy endeavor, but the results are extremely rewarding. Dear Leslie invited me to her house along with a bunch of other yarnaholics and we dyed yarn--I went intending to observe, but I was "bullied" into trying it out. I'm glad, too, because now I have two hanks of GORGEOUS yarn. They are still drying outside, in fact.

This was a boucle-sort of yarn, a very skinny yarn, too--it had a light, light-pale lavender base:

I call it Ballerina.

This is yarn from Portugal, a worsted blank yarn that was gifted to me from my friend Leslie who recently went there on vacation:
I call this Midnight.

I bid the blog-world goodnight. It was a good day: good food, good yarn, and most of all, good friends.

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