Let me explain.
I happened to have escaped a very bad relationship on the fourteenth of February a few years back. Prior, I'd always dreaded V-Day:
- Presents (because usually I simply feel awkward about receiving a present, picking-out an appropriate gift for the other...among other things).
- Chocolate (HIPS. 'nuf said)
- The general SAP factor
So. This year I decided to do something. Something crafty. And good. And kind. . .
I'm becoming not only a Rav-Addict, but also an Etsy Addict...
So. When I heard about the project Special Delivery on Etsy, I had to participate.
So today I surrounded myself with paper, ink, yarn, buttons, glue and ho
t-glue and had a total flashback to third grade.
Remember those Valentines
we made in elementary? I remember, we decorated tissue boxes and turned them into V-Day Mail Boxes. I put so much effort into that dumb box: I painted pre-made wooden hearts in bright pinks, reds and dusky mauves; I plastered the thing with tinfoil and gaudy stickers. I think I thought it was legitimately pretty, too....
And we made our cards. Er. I made my cards. Most people got the cheap boxed valentines from Target or Wal-Mart. Not me.
I cut and pasted.
I mean that in the scissor and glue way--this was
199-something, folks.
I drew hearts, sprayed perfume on the construction paper.
But today's effort seems a bit more successful:
And all the V-Day Assembly and the thoughts of the elderly opening my handmade cards made me remember a kind little lady I knew once upon a time. So I sent her a special one:
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